AFL Fans Survey 2024 Reveals Key Concerns: Umpiring/Rules Changes, Gambling Ads, and Affordability


In May 2024, the AFL Fans Association (AFLFA) met with AFL CEO Andrew Dillon, agreeing to meet regularly to discuss and address fan issues. The findings from this survey, including specific fan comments, will be presented at the next meeting with the AFL.

Key discussion points with the AFL will include:

·       Addressing fan issues arising from the 2024 Fan Survey

·       Organising a Fan Forum – last forum was over a decade ago

·       Collaborating on the 2025 Fan Survey

·       Enhancing the fan experience and promoting the game

The 2024 Fan Survey Results

In the third annual AFLFA survey, the voice of footy fans has come through loud and clear on what is working and what needs improvement for a more enjoyable fan experience.

Key Concerns

The primary concerns impacting the enjoyment of the game include:

·       Umpiring/rule changes

·       Gambling ads

·       Affordability

·       Floating fixture

·       Grand Final ticket access

Umpiring/rule changes have now surpassed gambling ads as the most common concern among fans compared to the previous survey conducted in late 2022. 

This current survey, conducted in June 2024, drew 4,155 responses (up from 2,924 in the previous survey) from members and supporters of all AFL clubs, ranging in age from under 18 to 85+. “When considering all the issues that concern fans, umpiring/rule changes, gambling ads and affordability are the top three issues that are top of mind” said AFLFA President Ron Issko.

Umpiring/ Rule changes

Regarding umpiring/rule changes, Ron stated, “It’s very frustrating when we see free kicks being paid one way and the very next week they are being paid differently – fans want the umpiring to be consistent.” Fans understand that our game is not easy to umpire and believe one way to make it easier is to stop changing and tweaking the rules every year.

Gambling Ads

The fans view of gambling advertising are:

·       80% support banning gambling ads at AFL grounds

·       76% agree that gambling advertising should be banned from TV and radio

·       62% believe the AFL should not receive revenue from gambling

Ron highlighted fans' concerns, saying, “Fans are very worried that the bombardment of gambling ads at stadiums, on TV, radio, and online is normalising gambling and grooming our kids to be future gamblers – we need to protect our kids.”


When asked how increases in the cost of living would impact their attendance at football games, just over 35% of fans said they plan to attend the same number of games but would spend less on food and drinks. Ron noted, “The survey revealed that, based on affordability, almost one in five fans would attend fewer games, which would be very frustrating for those fans and their clubs.” He acknowledged the AFL's efforts to keep ticket and food prices down at some stadiums and emphasized that the AFLFA will advocate for price freezes to be expanded to all stadiums.

Floating Fixture

The floating fixture is not popular with fans who were told this was a temporary measure (during COVID), but it now exists due to broadcasting considerations. Fans want to see a release of a full fixture to determine if it is worthwhile buying a membership, while others need to plan well in advance to attend games - a floating fixture makes this difficult and more expensive.

Grand Final

With regard to the Grand Final, “83% of fans want the Grand Final time to remain at the traditional 2.30pm AEST time” Ron declares. “From all polls and surveys conducted by the AFLFA, this figure remains consistent.” Also 93% of fans want a redistribution of grand final ticket allocation so more competing club members can see their team participate on Grand Final day.

Fan rating of club and the AFL

Fans were asked to rate their satisfaction with their club and the AFL. The overall fan satisfaction rating for clubs was 3.9 out of 5, while the AFL received a rating of 3.1 out of 5. “More can be done to enhance these ratings,” Ron acknowledged.

Other findings

The 2024 survey, which the AFLFA has sent to the AFL, clubs and the media, also found: 

  • 78% of survey respondents were club members, and 22% were members of the AFLFA
  • 96% of members and supporters believe the media should continue to engage the AFLFA as the voice of fans on issues impacting them
  • 96% of fans state the AFL should include the AFLFA in the consultation process before introducing changes that impact them
  • Just over half of the respondents would like to see a “send-off” rule for players who have committed violent on-field acts

Fan Insights

The survey also enabled respondents to provide written comments, offering deeper insights into their issues and concerns. Fan priorities vary based on factors such as geographic location and personal circumstances.

Advocating for fans

Ron acknowledges the record crowd attendances, club memberships, and TV ratings in 2024. While the AFL has many stakeholders to cater to, the AFLFA will continue to advocate on behalf of fans to continuously improve the fan experience, as we passionately support our teams that play the best game in the world.

AFL Fans Association membership is free and fans are encouraged to join at